The science of effective organizations

For every problem, there is a solution. The key is to find the most effective and efficient solution to your unique problem. Organizational Kimistry uses creative problem solving to evaluate your distinctive organizational needs and the necessary components to succeed. We believe that there is a science to organizational effectiveness. From strategic planning to process improvement, Organizational Kimistry will employ various techniques and resources to guide you on the road to maximizing your organization’s potential.
Workshop Topics

Turn your Vision into an Action plan
Wholistic Leadership
Wholistic Leadership: An Approach to Systemic Organizational Change
Wholistic Leadership: Igniting Change from Within
Wholistic Leadership: An Approach to Building High-Performance Teams
Wholistic Leadership: Igniting Positive Organizational Change
Do It Afraid
Do it Afraid: Making Progress in Life Despite Fear
Do It Afraid: A Key to Curing Imposter Syndrome
Do It Afraid: More Faith than Fear
Do It Afraid: Making Lemonade out of Life's Lemons
Do It Afraid: "No" is a Complete Sentence
Do It Afraid: The Strength to Leave a Good Man
Dare to be Rare
Dare to be Rare: Bringing out your Inner Unicorn with a Personal Strategic Plan
Dare to be Rare: Finding Your Superpower
Dare to be Rare: Bringing Innovation Back to HR
Dare to be Rare: Being Imperfectly Me